We are so excited to provide an opportunity for us to work together and collect food to help stock our local food bank. The Northern Illinois Food Bank relies on people like all of us to help feed our friends and neighbors in need across 13 counties in Northern Illinois. This is especially important now as all of us are facing much higher food costs and many families could use a little help.

We want to make giving back as easy as possible, so we are offering both our office as a drop off location or a home pick up (within a half hour drive of our office location). If you are further away but still would like to help out, we are happy to provide you with a drop off location to a food bank closer to your neighborhood. We are all in this together! Thanks so much for considering working together with us on this project if you are able. We are really looking forward to connecting with you again!

Most Needed Items:

Peanut Butter
Canned Tuna/Chicken (in water)
Whole Grain Pasta and Rice
Cereal and Oatmeal
Dried Beans and Lentils
Canned Fruits (in juice)
Low/Reduced-Sodium Soups,
Sauces and Vegetables
Pasta Sauce
Spices and Seasonings

(no glass jars, please)

Choose a date and time from November 7-13th.