This time of year our hearts and minds are especially focused on the importance of gratitude. There is scientific evidence that practicing gratitude can actually change your brain chemistry and make you happier. Being thankful can boost your immune system, improve your relationships, and make you more productive.

We put together some tips from your friends at Two Roads Lending to help you practice gratitude…


Write in a journal – Two times a week jot down the names of two people you are grateful for and why. Focusing on people rather than physical objects improves our interpersonal relationships. 1


5 Good for 1 Bad – What do you do when you enter a dark room? You flip on the switch for light! When you experience something negative in your life, train your brain to flip the switch. Think of five good things related to the situation instead of the one bad thing. 2


Write a gratitude note – Write a thank-you letter expressing your appreciation for someone in your life. Send it, or better yet, deliver and read it in person. Make a habit of sending at least one gratitude letter a month. 3


If you already practice gratitude and have experienced positive results or you are just starting out, would you consider sharing your story with us on our Facebook Page?

DOWNLOAD OUR GRATITUDE GUIDE! Includes a list of “Gratitude Apps” that can help you along your gratitude journey.

Sources: 1 Stephanie Castillo “The Science Of Gratitude: It Really Is The Little Things” Nov 13, 2014. 2 Carrie D. Clarke, JD, ACC “How Gratitude Actually Changes Your Brain and is Good for Business” February 7, 2018. 3 Harvard Health Publishing “Giving thanks can make you happier”